January 1, 2021 brings 5 new laws into effect across the state…take a look at the full article from the Hartford Courant and see how this will affect you in the New Year.
1) Police accountability law: Police officers who make arrests or interact with the public on a daily basis mustprominently display their badge and their name tag on the outermost layer of their uniform
2) Emergency insulin prescriptions: Diabetics will be allowed one emergency diabetes-related prescription a year covering insulin, glucagon drugs and diabetes devices, including blood glucose test strips, lancets and insulin syringes
3) Lowering taxes on pension income: Seniors will be able to claim 28% of pension and annuity income received in 2020 as a deduction on their Connecticut adjusted gross income which is twice the amount they were able to deduct in 2019.
4) Half-percent payroll tax for FMLA: Many Connecticut employees will receive slightly smaller paychecks (a decrease of up to 0.5%)As a result of a payroll tax created by the 2019 passage of Connecticut’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Act
5) Increased regulation for electric utilities: Each electric utility must report to PURA and the legislature’s energy committee on how it prepares and responds to hurricanes, snowstorms and other emergencies
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