Kerry Collins

Kerry Collins

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The World’s Most Relaxing Vacation Destinations

Vacations can be amazing, but it’s important to choose your destination carefully. If you’re searching for serenity, you won’t find it in crowded popular hotspots for tourists, like France and Italy. But a new Relaxation Report from Book Retreats has found the best places for travelers looking for peace and quiet.

  • The vacation booking site analyzed 76 destinations based on their “safety, solitude, serenity, nature and wellness.”
  • They were scored on everything from forest coverage to crowd density to noise and light pollution and total wellness experiences.
  • So, what is the most relaxing place for travelers? Australia tops their Global Relaxation Index.
  • It has fewer crowds, just 3.4-people per square kilometer, compared to 198.3 in Italy, the most crowded destination in the study.
  • Canada comes in second, the only destination in North America in the top 25. The U.S. is way down the list at number 43.

The 10 Most Relaxing Vacation Destinations in the World

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. Iceland
  4. Finland
  5. New Zealand
  6. Austria
  7. Sweden
  8. Estonia
  9. Norway
  10. Portugal

Source: Travel and Leisure

photo: GETTY

Epic landing with the sunset and the mountains, plane landing beneath a breathtaking sunset, sunset landing

Photo: Daniel Garrido / Moment / Getty Images

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