Making sure your bank account is secure ranks high on our list of priorities . . . right under making sex jokes.
A new report looked at the most common four-digit PINs for things like ATM passwords and unlocking your phone . . . and "6969" made the Top 10
They didn't have access to people's current passwords, obviously. They came up with the list by looking at PINs that have been exposed on the dark web.
As always, the most popular passwords aren't ones experts would suggest using. Here are the 10 most common four-digit PINs in America.
1. 1234. If you guess that one, you've got a one in nine chance of being right. 11% of all the four-digit passwords they found were "1234."
2. 1111. That one made up another 6% of all passwords.
3. 0000
4. 1212
5. 7777. So, "Lucky 7's" . . . until someone drains your account.
6. 1004 . . . as in, "Ten-four, good buddy."
7. 2000
8. 4444
9. 2222
10. 6969.
If you want one that's harder to guess, they also looked at the LEAST common PINs. The top three on that list are "8068" . . . "8093" . . . and "9629". (But maybe don't change to any of those . . . hackers will see these lists too.)
In general, most people start their PIN with a number between 1 and 5. Very few start with a 6, 7, 8, 9, or zero.
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Photo: Chalongrat Chuvaree / iStock / Getty Images