We spoke with Mary Young, Program Director and Treasurer of the Upper Albany Neighborhood Collaborative, about the organization's mission to empower the residents of Upper Albany through the establishment of block clubs, job initiatives, educational programs, youth council and initiatives and economic development.
The Neighborhood Collaborative was founded in 1990 through a Ford Foundation grant. Hartford, Connecticut was one of four cities selected for the Neighborhood and Family Initiative Program study. It was through this study that Upper Albany Neighborhood Collaborative (UANC) came into being.
The study concluded in 2000 and funding ended in 2002; however, UANC was deeply rooted in the community and made a successful transition to being managed by a talented group of volunteer staff and governed by a dedicated board of directors.
For a decade, the events, programs and services offered by the collaborative have been as a direct result of the voice of the residents of the Upper Albany community. Using block leaders assigned to designated areas, these individuals work with UANC using the voice of the residents to ensure that the mission of the collaborative remains in sync with its actions.
UANC has also enhanced its programs and services by working directly with several Youth Initiatives. These programs are aimed at helping to promote a healthy and safe environment for our youth through the use of Sports, The Arts, Games, Music, Self Awareness, Social Issues & Discussion, Mentoring, Literacy and Internships.
VISIT HERE to learn more and to find out how you can help support this powerful cause.
Pictured: Mary Young, Program Director and Treasurer of the Upper Albany Neighborhood Collaborative