We spoke with Chaz Koch, Executive Director of Operation Paws on the Ground, about the non-profit's mission to rescue dogs from kill shelters and train them to be support dogs for veterans suffering from a multitude of issues.
One of the dogs matched to a veteran recently got hit by a car, and he will need surgery to make a full recovery. Carson came into Josh's life a little under a year ago. He is Josh's service dog in training thanks to Operation Paws on the Ground. The veterinarian has given Josh a quote for everything Carson needs to make a full recovery, but Josh has a seasonal job, and his wife starts a new job in a few weeks. Between raising four children and today's cost of living, an emergency like this has been devastating to the family. Carson has been Josh's lifeline.
Operation Paws on the Ground has supported Carson and Josh's needs including training, food and basic medical checkups, but they are a small organization with other veterans and dogs to care for. The doctors say that Carson should make a full recovery, but he needs surgery on his leg. Unfortunately, the doctors will not schedule the surgery without a significant deposit. We are asking for support to get Josh's hero well again.
VISIT HERE for the Go Fund Me page associated with this cause. Please give what you can and share this with as many as you can.