Community Access

Community Access

Community Access


Important Safety Reminders from the CT Department of Transportation

We spoke with Garrett T. Eucalitto, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT); Sergeant Luke Davis of the Connecticut State Police; and Sergeant Christine Jeltema of the Connecticut State Police about important roadway safety reminders and trends they are seeing on our highways.

As driver, passenger, pedestrian and motorcycle fatalities continue to increase, these state employees are working hard to share safety information and to enforce laws designed to help keep our residents safe. Help spread the word by sharing these important tips.

Pictured with Renee DiNino (from left to right): Garrett T. Eucalitto, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation; Sergeant Luke Davis of the Connecticut State Police; and Sergeant Christine Jeltema of the Connecticut State PolicePhoto: Meredith Krapek

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