I spoke with Becky Maurice and Ann Gaulin, concerned citizens for the Montville Animal Control Shelter. CLICK here to get to their new page set up with more details. Below is there email and the podcast we conducted on 3.25.24 - I welcome any leaders from Montville on my show, please email renee3@iheartmedia.com
Good Morning Renee
The animals and citizens of Montville need your help. We have been fighting to build a new animal shelter for the town of Montville. Our shelter has not passed state inspection for over 7 years. Walls and the ceiling is crumbling. Poor ventilation. Little heat. No bathroom for the staff. And much much more. We got 1200 people to sign the petition and when we submitted them to the town council they voted to table the discussion for 3 months. We have been trying to get a new shelter built for years
They always choose other projects. Channel 3, Channel 8 and The Day have given us media coverage. You being an advocate we feel would help a great deal. We are now planning a "sign" petition where people will buy a sign and place them in business windows and on the lawns of the citizens. Please can you help us get the word out that our fur babies deserve better? Thank you in advance. Have a nice day.
Logo and photo sent via email from concerned citizens, photo may be from an article in The Day and if so, should be credited as such.