Meet Rocky
Hello, my name is Rocky, and boy do I have a story for you!
Once upon a time, I lived in
a home and had an owner who loved me. I remember a soft bed, lots of pets and cuddles, and kisses during storms. Unfortunately, something bad happened, and I ended up outside. At first I didn't think it was so bad, there were other kitties, but they turned out to not be very friendly. Because I wasn't fixed and
I had a strong male scent, they beat me up over and over, they wouldn't let me eat if they got food, I never got fresh water or even clean water, and they wouldn't allow me to sleep near them for safety. I got beat up by other animals too and, because I was so big, they felt even more threatened by me. But I didn't hate them. I was raised to give and accept love, so I didn't fight back, I just kept moving around.
I then got sick from all those kitties beating me up. I caught a few nasty diseases that made me very ill, and with no clean water or food, I could barely move. I curled up near a nice warm house. Two ladies found me, scooped me into a carrier, and rushed me to the vet. That poor vet had no idea how badly I was injured or how sick I was; they just knew it was bad. After blood work and all sorts of tests, it was determined that I had calicivirus and coccidia from some very mean raccoons that attacked me. I had bad parasites in my stomach from the dirty water. My teeth were rotting away. I could barely walk from the swelling in my head, face and legs. I had huge scars and deep wounds from the animals biting and scratching me. I was a mess.
The ladies who found me cried. I stayed at the vet for a few days and began feeling a little better. I was then sent to a kind woman's home. She was very nice and tried everything she could think of to make me feel better, but everything I ate made me so sick to my stomach. The kind woman found another woman who said I could come stay with her, so I did.
It was so scary at first. She had barking dogs and loud noises that used to scare me, so I would hide under blankets. She made me special foods and tried all kinds of medicines to help me feel better. Some of it helped, but I still didn't feel great. Some days I was OK, other days I didn't even want to eat. The woman brought me back and forth to the vet a few times and cried the whole way there. Sometimes, she would talk to me and I would feel better, but sometimes she just cried.
I loved visiting the vet! I always got treats and pets, and they always tried to make me feel better. I ended up having to have all my teeth pulled after a few visits (not all at once; that's mean!) because they were making me very, very sick. I visited a specialist about my teeth. The specialist changed my medicine to help me feel more awake and hungry. They found an ear infection starting, and I also got that fixed.
I've been taken off restrictions and I can eat anything I want now. Finally, I'm feeling great. I love to play like a kitten with my toys. I hope to now reach out in the great big world and find another person to love me. I would love to have my person hold me during thunderstorms because as big as I am (
almost seventeen pounds),
I'm still scared. I'm a happy boy who would just love to call you mine, and would love it even more if you called me yours.
Please understand that after everything I've been through, I am very scared of other animals, so I have to live in a home with just people. I'm sure I would enjoy watching a few fish in a tank as well as the birds outside the window. I'm still very scared of the outside world. I do spend some time in the sun, but only when I'm safe in my carrier and my foster mom sits with me so we can talk. I know she loves me, but she has too many animals to keep me, so she and I talked and we think I am ready to go to a new home that I can call my own with a family that will give me the love I deserve.
And that's my story. I hope that, maybe, you'll think about giving me a place to call my forever home. Good night world, and thank you to the angels who loved me and saved me.
Rocky is estimated to be between 8-10 years old and FIV positive. He is fixed, is up-to-date on shots, and is microchipped .
For more informatin or to adopt Rocky, CLICK HERE
About Foster and Forever
Foster and Forever is a small, but growing, local animal rescue organization located in Naugatuck, Connecticut, which was founded in 2011 by an enthusiastic and dedicated group of animal lovers. The organization is funded exclusively by local individual donations, and receives neither corporate nor government sponsorship or funding. Foster and Forever Pet Rescue is 501(c)3 tax exempt & registered with the State of Connecticut.
We are a no-kill pet rescue organization with one important goal: to find homes for every member of our Foster and Forever Family, irrespective of age or health. Foster and Forever will take all the necessary steps to achieve this goal, from rescuing and taking in aging, abused or ill animals, to providing them with the medical attention and socialization skills they need, to seeking out and vetting prospective owners in order to ensure that these animals find themselves in warm and loving forever homes that are the perfect fit for their unique needs.