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Cutting Your Dogs Nails At Home!

Dog groomer cutting nails on black Labrador retriever dog

Photo: Getty Images

The groomer is closed and its time to trim your dogs nails at home!

Cutting your dogs nails at home could become a challenge - here are a few tips to making it a little bit easier!

Peanut Butter

Putting peanut butter in a bowl could help to distract the dog and keep them busy while you are trying to cut their nails!

Have someone else hold them

Sometimes cutting your pups nails is not a one man job! Have a friend or family member hold your pup so they are able to sit still.

Use a doggy sling

Using a doggy sling has become a new trend in cutting dogs nails! It holds them up in the air, making them unable to run from their grooming!

Of course, we want to make sure you are trimming your dogs nails safely at home, so check out this article for more tips and tricks!

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