How safe are our roads? A chat with Connecticut State Police Sgt. Jeltema about the 100 deadliest days for underage drinking or under the influence of drugs while driving, street take-overs and more.
Connecticut Street Takeover Tips Line & Website
A Statewide Tip Line and website have been established for "Street Takeovers" within Connecticut. Individuals can call 1-800-CALL-FBI and select the “Connecticut Street Takeovers” option, or visit to provide investigators with video/photos related to these events. All information may be submitted anonymously and will remain confidential.
If you come across a street racing area, stop, turn around and find an alternate route. Do not approach the individuals and call 9-1-1 immediately. These groups are extremely dangerous. Perpetrators that violate the laws and cause these dangerous situations or those that are active participants will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. If you witness any crimes or have evidence that a crime is or was being committed, please contact your local law enforcement agency to hand over evidence to detectives. Parents should be aware that a majority of the spectators are high school teenagers and conversations should be had to discuss the inherent dangers and consequences of these activities.
Sgt Christine JeltemaPhoto: Trooper Pedro Nunniz