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Community Access


UHart Students Goodwill Trip To Kenya

Photo: UHart

Alexia Woodruff and Abigail (Abbey) Riley are both grad students, finishing the Prosthetics and Orthotics program at UHart this spring. They also did their undergrad at UHart and joined Associate Professor Duffy Felmlee, for 10 days on a goodwill trip to Kenya to work with under-served children who are missing limbs (either born that way, or lost them due to trauma). This was done in partnership with the Limb Kind Foundation. The team left for Kenya on March 24th. 

They lived at the hospital, creating prosthetics for the children. You can also help them fundraise for special shoes that can go on the kids’ prosthetics and grow with them over time, so they will hopefully last for years. The shoes are called “Shoes That Grow.”

Taken from an article written by Susan Wollschlager:

"They are also helping to raise funds for Limb Kind’s “Shoes that Grow” initiative, which is seeking to raise $2,000 to provide the children in Kenya with adjustable shoes that can be expanded as their feet grow. Campus community members are invited to donate to the fund."

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