Our friends at Bare Necessities Inc. posted the following on Facebook:
We are so excited to once again be partnering with our local Police Departments for our Law Enforcement Diaper Drive! The drive runs February 1-15. You can drop diapers and/or wipes (no adult briefs please) at the following Police Departments 24/7. Branford Police Department Clinton CT Police Department Connecticut State Police-Troop F Westbrook East Haven Police Department Guilford Police Department Madison Police Department or North Branford Police Department. You may also drop donations in the boxes located at Madison Coffee Shop, Madison or Mad Roasters, Old Saybrook.
You may also visit our Amazon Wish List to make a donation by clicking here.
Monetary donations are also welcome either via our website or by mail to 24 W. Main Street - Suite 414, Clinton CT 06413.
About Bare Necessities:
Bare Necessities, Inc. is a recognized 501(c)3 distributing diapers and wipes to families in need along the shoreline of CT
Beth Serra-Loud, Tina Bascom, and Mary Jo Walker, Founders of Bare Necessities, Inc.
While Beth was volunteering with family and friends at the Clinton Food Pantry a woman asked her if she knew where she could get diapers for her adorable baby girl. In an effort to find an answer for her, she discovered that there was not a diaper bank that serviced the Shoreline area. In researching further, she also discovered that 1 in 3 babies have a diaper need and SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) cannot be used to purchase diapers or toiletries. So her family and 3 other families with diverse talents and compassionate hearts formed our founding board of Bare Necessities, Inc. a 501(c)3.
Bare Necessities, Inc. was founded in November 2015 as a non-profit organization based in Clinton, CT. In December 2015 our first distribution helped 5 families. By May 2017 we were helping 120 families in Clinton and we are partnering with social service organizations and food pantries along the shoreline. To date we now serve 270 families and have distributed over 396,000 diapers and 809,000 wipes.