Listen here for Renee's interview with Ilana Bernstein, Development & Marketing Director of the Community Renewal Team about their 17th Annual Pop-Up Toy Store and the need for donations.
CRT’s 17th Annual Pop-Up Toy Store benefits more than 400 families who need assistance this holiday season.
As more families than ever are relying on CRT for assistance with holiday toys for their children, donations are harder to come by than in years past.
Will you help make the holiday special for low-income families in our community? Please consider donating toys that are:
Brand new (still in boxes/with tags)
Appropriate for any age between 0-17 years
Relevant to various interests
Special Request: CRT requests that dolls and action figures donated come in a variety of skin tones, as it is so important for little ones to play with toys that look like them!
PLEASE DROP OFF TOYS BY THURSDAY DECEMBER 15, 2022, to the large box located in the vestibule outside the lobby of CRT’s main office, 555 Windsor Street, Hartford. The difference you make for a CRT family when you donate a toy will amaze you!
You lift their financial burden
You bring cheer to those who often dread this time of year
You give joy to parents who can give their children the experience they had wished for them for the holidays
You make a child smile, who has not found many reasons to be happy recently!
For more information about CRT, click here!
Questions? Contact Ilana Bernstein at (860) 560-5657 or email