HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Halloween Safety Tips! What to watch out for, what to wear and how to keep your little ghouls and goblins safe!
Halloween 2022 may be a bit different, as edible cannabis products have been made available in our state. Some packages of THC products closely resemble familiar candy labels that children may receive on Halloween night. Any THC products are mandated to have a marking of the milligram level and a California Medical Marijuana warning label as well. Parents or guardians, please take note and carefully inspect ALL treats before giving them to children to consume.
Halloween is a fun night for thousands of ghosts and goblins across Connecticut. With safety in mind, the Connecticut State Police has some tips for keeping our state’s youngest residents safe during the evening of October 31. Children and parents are urged to follow these instructions for an exciting night of trick or treating:
- Wear bright, light-colored or reflective costumes so that motorists see you. Add reflective tape to trick-or-treat bags for increased visibility.
- Carry a flashlight so that you will be seen as you walk from house to house.
- Use caution as you visit houses. Be alert for objects or toys in the walkway or on the porch.
- Never enter anyone’s house or car for a treat.
- Always go trick-or-treating in a group that includes adults; never go out alone.
- Do not eat any treats until you arrive home and your parents inspect all goodies.
- Only collect treats from those you know.
- Always watch for cars as you walk from house to house.
- Do not wear a mask that hinders vision in any way.
In addition, parents are urged to check the Connecticut Sex Offender Registry prior to Halloween night so they can map out their trick-or-treating routes. www.ct.gov/despp
Troopers also remind all drivers to be aware of pedestrians on Halloween night. Drive cautiously and obey all traffic laws on Halloween and every day. Be aware of children who may be running from house to house. This is a fun and scary night, but safety must come first!
The Connecticut State Police and all Resident State Troopers will be out in force on Halloween to keep state residents safe.
Photo: CSP