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Community Access


Connecticut More Than Pink Walk

Interview with Meg Staubley, Development Manager, Connecticut - Susan G. Komen®

Join us Saturday, October 22, Bushnell Park

Imagine a world without breast cancer. A world where ONE in EIGHT women won’t be diagnosed with breast cancer. If we could raise ONE more dollar, take ONE more step, share ONE more story, think of the impact we could make. We might save ONE more mother, ONE more sister, ONE more friend.

That’s the power we have when we come together as ONE for the Susan G. Komen Connecticut MORE THAN PINK Walk on Saturday, October 22. Together, we walk… we walk alongside patients, survivors, neighbors and families, because each step we take as ONE moves us closer to ONE more new discovery, and ONE more extended hand to help. The power of ONE starts with you. When you walk with Susan G. Komen, you are making a difference in getting closer to a world without breast cancer. Take the first step, visit to join the Susan G. Komen Connecticut MORE THAN PINK Walk Saturday, October 22… and witness the power of ONE!

Join us Saturday, October 22, Bushnell Park

Connecticut More Than Pink Walk

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