Photo: Spader, Lynnsey
Interval House Observes Domestic Violence Awareness Month Announces 2022 “Purple With A Purpose” Events
HARTFORD - Interval House—Connecticut’s largest domestic violence agency—is set to observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month through its “Purple with a Purpose” campaign. A variety of in-person events and online activities are planned. All are aimed at increasing awareness and garnering financial support for Interval House’s confidential and compassionate services for victims of abuse. Domestic violence impacts individuals in every community regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. One in four women and one in seven men will experience severe physical violence at the hand of an intimate partner in their lives. Children who witness abuse in the home not only are at serious risk for physical and psychological trauma, but are likely to perpetuate the cycle of abuse as adults—boys who see their mothers being abused are 10 times more likely to become abusers themselves; girls who witness the same are six times as likely to become adult victims. “October is our month to be loud and intentional about who we are and what we do,” said MaryJane Foster, Interval House’s President and CEO. “With 6,800 clients last year, bed nights up 32% and hotline calls up 57% since 2020, we cannot be quiet or be still. We must raise awareness in all 24 towns we serve. We need everyone walking the walk and talking the talk with us this month.”
This year’s events include:
Monday, Oct. 3 at 11:30 a.m.
Domestic Violence Awareness Press Conference
Capital Community College; 950 Main St., Hartford
Interval House will kick off Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a press conference hosted by Capital Community College and its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Center. The event will highlight the issue of domestic violence and the leading role men—who represent 92% of abusers—must take in order to prevent and break the cycle of intimate partner abuse. Speakers include Interval House President and CEO Mary-Jane Foster, United States Senator Richard Blumenthal, Capital Community College CEO Dr. G. Duncan Harris, and other members of Interval House’s Men Make a Difference advocacy group.
Sunday, Oct. 23 at 9 a.m.
Jennifer Farber Dulos Memorial Walk to End Domestic Violence
Dunkin’ Donuts Park; 1214 Main St., Hartford
Honorary Chairs Mayor Luke Bronin and Sara Bronin, along with News 8’s Dennis House, will lead a walk to remember victims and honor survivors. A moment of silence and program will take place, and will be followed by activities and games. The registration fee ($25) provides clients with safe options and lifesaving services. Register here!
Thursday, Nov. 3 at 8 a.m.
Breakfast with Champions
The Riverview; 10 Winslow Pl., Weatogue
Interval House’s annual breakfast will honor the agency’s decades-long partnerships with area law enforcement to keep high-risk victims of domestic violence safe. Breakfast with Champions is free to attend; a gift of personal significance is requested during the program to support lifesaving services for victims of domestic violence. Advanced registration is required here to reserve a seat or host a table of 10. Doors open for registration at 7:30 a.m.; breakfast is served at 8 a.m.; program will conclude by 9:15 a.m.
Purple with a Purpose Social Media Campaign
Those interested in learning more about domestic violence and helping to spread the word may follow Interval House on Facebook and Instagram @intervalhousect during the month of October. Liking and sharing posts will make an impact.
Purple with a Purpose Fundraisers
Supporters are encouraged to create their own Purple with a Purpose virtual fundraiser to help Interval House clients. Those interested in raising money or participating in any of the events may click here to register.
Purple with a Purpose Sponsorships
Businesses and individuals who would like to step up as sponsors of this year’s Purple with a Purpose festivities should contact Amanda Delaura at