Here are the daily COVID-19 numbers for Connecticut:
Where Can I Get a Replacement Vaccine Card?
If you have lost your vaccine card, you can:
- Contact your vaccination provider to get another, or
- If you have an account, log into VAMS and view or download your Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination (click here for instructions), or
- Call( 860) 509-7929 to request your Official Immunization Certificate. from the CT Immunization Information System (CT WiZ) at the Department of Public Health. Vaccination providers are required to report COVID-19 vaccinations to CT WiZ.
The CDC vaccine card, your provider’s portal record, VAMS certificate, and the CT WiZ official immunization record are all acceptable forms of proof of your COVID-19 vaccination.
COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone ages 12 and older in Connecticut
These Connecticut cities and towns have issued mask mandates as COVID-19 delta variant spreads