The Most Stressed Town In Connecticut...Which One Do You Think It Is?

I feel like EVERYONE in EVERY town is stressed these days. Trying to figure out which cities in this country are more stressed than others right now isn't an easy task these days, and one could say that EVERY town is feeling some stress. But a new study tried to figure out the most stressed out city in every state.

They based the pick on five factors: Unemployment, average hours worked, commute times, income-to-home-price ratio, and the percent of the population that doesn't have insurance.

Based on all of that, the most stressed city in Connecticut is WILLIMANTIC! And, the most stressed city in the country is - Mead Valley, California, which is located in between Los Angeles and San Diego. I would have thought Washington DC would have won this year!

But really, the results are all over the place, with some huge cities like Chicago in Illinois and Minneapolis in Minnesota, and some tiny cities, like Vermillion, South Dakota with a population of barely 10,000. 


Click here to see the map showing the most stressed out city in every state.

(photo Getty Images)

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