What's Open CT? Beaches, Parks, Trails, Campgrounds & More

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection commissioner Katie Dykes unveiled a website for people to check what's open and what's not in terms of beaches and state parks.Its portal.ct.gov/whatsopenoutdoors.

DEEP will reduce parking capacity and close beaches for the day if social distancing cannot be maintained, and will make adjustments to operations and consider longer-term closures if the situation warrants. Updates on closures are posted on the state parks Twitter feed,@CTStateParks.

Aside from the four shoreline State Parks that feature beaches, there are numerous other parks that offer non-beach activities. Walking, running, biking, hiking, boating, and fishing are all available and can be enjoyed in places all over the state. For a list of the 142 state parks and forests Connecticut has to offer, visit DEEP's website here. For a list of the 117 state boat launches around the state, visit this website here. Information about fishing and hunting is also available on DEEP’s main website,www.ct.gov/DEEP.

Closures are bound to happen:

As has been the case on nice weather days, many parks reach capacity and close to new visitors for the day. To avoid closures, DEEP’s guidance is the same as it’s been for several weeks now: visit a less-traveled park, earlier in the day.

Check DEEP’s state parks Twitter feed,@CTStateParks, or the DEEP Boating Division’s Twitter feed,@CTBoatingInfo, to make sure the park or boat launch people want to visit isn’t already closed, and have a back-up plan ready in case it is upon arrival. Also don’t forget to consider municipal parks, a trail maintained by another organization, such as the Connecticut Forest & Park Association or a land trust.

As the state moves forward into the summer season, DEEP will continue to monitor and assess public use and recreational activities that occur at state parks and other DEEP managed outdoor recreation areas. Evaluation of that information may result in changes to the operational plan. While law enforcement personnel are authorized to enforce social distancing and group size guidance, DEEP seeks to educate first and ask people to follow the rules, in hopes that visitors will take personal responsibility and make sure that they comply.

To see DEEP's operational plan, head here.

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