Community Health Resources: Suicide Prevention

Here is Renee's interview with Gabrielle Cyr, MSW, CHR’s Suicide Prevention Data Coordinator.

She shares important information about suicide prevention programs and resources that CHR provides to CT residents.

Listen below:

CHR offers specialized psychotherapy, group therapy and other outpatient treatments for individuals most affected, such as:

  1. Accelerated Resolution Therapy
  2. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
  3. Medication Assisted Treatment services
  4. Group therapy designed for the LGBTQ population

You can learn more about CHR’s programs by visiting our website at

If you are worried about a family member, friend or co-worker, there are wonderful resources available.

  • You can call 2-1-1 or the Crisis Text Line, just text CONNECT to 741741.
  • CHR's HERO HOTLINE is available at 888-217-HERO
  • CHR’s Assessment Center at 877-884-3571.

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