Interview with Barry Simon, President & CEO of Oak Hill

Here's Renee's interview with Barry Simon, President & CEO of Oak Hill.

He gives us the latest updates on how Oak Hill is getting through the COVID-19 crisis and more. iHeartCommunities is proud to have Oak Hill as a community partner.

Listen below:

A Message from Oak Hill

We know this is a challenging time for everyone. Oak Hill continues to take the Coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously. Our leadership team vows to remain committed to the protection and care of Oak Hill staff, students, and individuals. Our team is top priority and critical to the success of the agency’s mission.

As the Coronavirus conditions develop, we will continue to thoroughly monitor and coordinate with state and community officials to take the appropriate steps to help safeguard the Oak Hill family.

If you should have any specific questions, please contact the Coronavirus Task Force at:

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