Two Connecticut Cities Ranked BEST PLACES TO GET MARRIED!

New Haven, Connecticut on a map.


I didn't say they were in the top ten LOL...I just said they made the list! has released a list of the top cities in the United States to get married in. The list consists of 182 cities and factors in all sorts of things like cost, wedding venues, flower shops, attractions...stuff like that. New Haven and Bridgeport didn't come in the top 20...50 or even 100 BUT WE DID MAKE THE LIST! New Haven at #164 and Bridgeport squeaking in at #181!

Here are the TOP TEN

  1. Orlando, FL
  2. Las Vegas, NV
  3. El Paso, TX
  4. Atlanta, GA
  5. Miami, FL
  6. Tampa, FL
  7. Tulsa, OK
  8. Boise, ID
  9. Las Cruces, NM
  10. Austin, TX

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