Foreign ticks have made their way to our state! Tick season has become year round in our state and now, foreign ticks are making their way here by traveling on people returning to the state. These ticks have the capability to reproduce and expand and eventually become local.
Both human travel and the expansion of the legal and illegal plant and animal trades are important contributing factors for the potential importation, establishment, and expansion of exotic ticks and their associated pathogens into new regions, resulting in considerable public and veterinary health concerns. (WFSB)
It is important to be aware of how to remove a tick and treat a tick bite to avoid tick related diseases and illness
Tick Removal
Quickly finding and removing ticks from the body is an important step in preventing infection with tick-borne diseases. Tweezers are the best method to remove ticks. Contrary to popular belief, smothering ticks with petroleum jelly is not effective. Never use a hot match, gasoline or any other chemical to remove a tick.
The best way to remove a tick:
- Grasp it close to the mouth parts near the skin surface.
- With gentle, steady pressure, pull the tick upward away from the skin until it releases.
Once the tick is removed, wash the area of the bite with an antiseptic or rubbing alcohol.
For more information on ticks in our state, CLICK HERE