Birdies For Charity: MetroHartford Alliance

Today we spoke to Kate Baumann Chief Investor Relations Officer for Metro Hartford Alliance

The MetroHartford Alliance is an investor-based economic development partnership focused on business development and growth, retaining and attracting jobs and talent in targeted sectors, ensuring a strong urban core, and promoting the Hartford Region.

For more information about the Alliance, CLICK HERE

In 2004, The Travelers Championship launched the Birdies for Charity program, adopting a national model that has seen great success in other markets. Today, the Birdies for Charity program continues to develop and thrive and has become an easy and effective fundraising opportunity for every 501(c)(3) organization. Birdies for Charity is a giving platform that utilizes the excitement around the Travelers Championship to help nonprofits across the region raise awareness and funds to support their missions. Thanks to the support of Webster Bank, organizations have the opportunity to receive a 15% bonus on every donation through the program.

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