Where Angels Play Foundation - Community Access

Renee talks with Chad Faulkner of Jersey Mike's and Bill Lavin Founder of Where Angels Play Foundation to discuss the new playscape being built in honor of Kathleen Carroll, a Yale clinical scientist!


Where Angels Play Foundation is building a beautiful new playscape on Winchester Avenue in New Haven, CT. This playground will reflect the life and personality of Dr. Kathleen Carroll, a Yale clincal scientist who passed away December of 2020 at the age of 62. The playground will be located at the facility of Christian Community Action where Kathy was a dedicated volunteer.


This project is made possible due to the incredible fundraising efforts of Jersey Mike’s Subs, whose New England area stores dedicated the month of October to raising funds for Kathy’s playground. The playground is also made possible by the Christian Community Action group and its affiliates. 


Mission of Where Angels Play:

Inspired by senseless violence in Newtown, Connecticut and in an effort to restore the storm ravaged east coast after Hurricane Sandy, we set out to create 26 living tributes to the lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as all children who have been victims of violence while creating safe, fun places for children to be children. These families have decided to pay it forward to the rest of the country and the world. May these playgrounds provide a symbol of hope, recovery and a return to normalcy, a gift to our youth in an effort to enhance and sustain their precious childhood.



660 Winchester Avenue New Haven, CT


Events Scheduled:

May 17-19: Playground Construction – Volunteers Welcome

May 20: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 11:00am


The playgrounds are designed to reflect the personality and interests of the individual for whom it is named, designed by their families, and celebrate their lives and how they lived. For more information, e-mail MaryKate Herbert at marykate@whereangelsplayfoundation.org. To make a donation to this cause or other ways to help, visit the website at www.whereangelsplayfoundation.org

Listen to the interview below!

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