Tooth Be Told - Tommy Fund Fundraiser



Did you know that cats can get gingivitis and other dental diseases? The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. helps our shelter cats with veterinary care, including dental care through the Tommy Fund. This year, we've had a number of kitties that have needed dental surgeries so we are raising money for the Tommy Fund in order to be able to cover future vet and dental expenses.

How To Help

By donating to the Tommy Fund, you will enable us to aid the many special needs cats that may not otherwise be able to receive the care they need. Donations to the Tommy Fund are tax-deductible and can be sent to GNHCP, P.O. Box 1432, New Haven, CT 06506 or sent online by clicking here.


The Tommy Fund began in 1999 to raise money to pay for a crucial ultrasound for a homeless four-month old kitten rescued from the streets in New Haven. The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. was able to raise the $200 necessary to provide Tommy with the ultrasound. After medical treatment, rest and lots of love from his adopted parents, Tommy lived a happy, healthy and extremely playful life. The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. has continued the Tommy Fund in order to provide care to other rescued cats requiring special care. Through generous contributions, GNHCP has been able to help many special needs cats, including those who have serious illnesses or injuries. Money raised will help cover veterinary care beyond the spay/neuter and vaccinations that GNHCP provides to all rescued cats. Extraordinary care includes diagnostic procedures (x-rays, ultrasounds, biopsies), as well as surgical procedures and on-going medical treatments (medicines, special foods, emergency veterinary visits). Tommy is a wonderful success story, but there are many other cats with special needs that require extraordinary care. GNHCP would like to be able to give every cat a chance to receive the medical treatment it needs. 

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