West Hartford United Methodist Church Diaper Drive

During the months of November & December 2022, the West Hartford United Methodist Church will be having a DIAPER DRIVE to support the local food pantry. Please drop off your donations in the bin by the front door of the church. Diapers of all sizes, especially size 4, 5, & 6, and Pull-ups are needed, along with wipes, and feminine hygiene products. There is also a need for toiletries such as toothpaste & toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, shampoo, shaving necessities, and other related items. Single-roll toilet paper, tissues, and the like are also needed. 


Please consider picking up an item or two while you’re shopping to drop off in the bin by the front door of the church. 


The church is located at 1358 New Britain Ave., West Hartford, corner of Berkshire Rd. Exit 40 off I-84, 1 block east of Corbins Corner and Westfarms Mall. 

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