Meet Bethany, the Calico Cutie!

Meet Bethany!

Miss Bethany was brought to BCC after she sustained a wound to her hindquarters. It appeared to be some kind of animal bite...she escaped a horrible fate and joined our crew!

Bethany was kept in quarantine for a few months per CT's law on unknown animal bites. Now, she comes out every day for stretches and play.

Bethany is very affectionate and we can picture her getting cozy near a warm fire or a warm blanket. She is absolutely stunning; her calico pattern wraps around her back like a fancy jacket.

When she's out and about, she chooses her friends. We think she "tolerates" other cats, so it's probably best that she find a home where she runs the roost. When it's time to go back in her cat condo, Bethany often stomps in protest. She's definitely a "I run the show" kinda gal, which is both charming and something her future family should seek in their cat's personality.

CT residents only

DOB 4/9/2021

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