Weekly Mental Health Check-in: Suicide Prevention & Awareness For the Youth

Weekly Mental Health Check-In

Weekly Mental Health Check-in with Marisa Giarnella-Porco from the Jordan Porco Foundation, Sgt. Jeltema of the Connecticut State Police and Renee.

We are joined by special guests Andrea Iger Duarte, MPH, LCSW, Behavioral Health Program Manager in the Prevention and Health Promotion Division of the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Office of the Commissioner, and Faith Vos Winkel, MSW, Office of the Child Advocate, Assistant Child Advocate.

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About Faith Vos Winkel, MSW

Faith Vos Winkel began her work with the Office of the Child Advocate July 2001 and assists the Child Advocate to fulfill her statutory mandates including overseeing the systems of care and protection for children in Connecticut and advocating for their well-being.

Ms. Vos Winkel’s primary responsibilities focus on the review of all unexpected and unexplained child deaths in Connecticut. She is responsible for preparing child fatality cases and conducting comprehensive investigations.

Ms. Vos Winkel represents the Child Advocate on a variety of committees including the Suicide Advisory Board, CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, Maternal Morbidity Review Panel, and the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children.

Ms. Vos Winkel has an undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut and a Masters of Social Work from the University Of Connecticut

About Andrea Iger Duarte, MPH, LCSW

Ms. Duarte is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Public Health Professional who received her Masters Degrees from the University of Connecticut and has over 25 years of experience in substance abuse and suicide prevention, and mental health promotion.

Ms. Duarte is a Behavioral Health Program Manager in the Prevention and Health Promotion Division of the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Office of the Commissioner. She oversees federal and statewide initiatives and contracts, is the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Initiative Director, and Employee Assistance Program Liaison.

Ms. Duarte is a chair and member of many statewide committees, a founding member of the CT Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, developer of the Gizmo’s Pawesome Guide to Mental Health© and Elementary Curriculum, and has served as the Co-Chair of the CT Suicide Advisory Board since January 2012.

Mental Health Resources:

  • Call 2-1-1 in CT to find a shelter or help near you
  • If you need help and are in a domestic violence situation visit: CTSafeConnect.org or call (888) 774-2900
  • And of course, if you are in immediate danger or are concerned over someone's mental health call 9-1-1

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