Some Connecticut Towns Lifting Mask Mandates

Multiple towns are lifting their mask mandates-this will be updated as more towns change or update their policies. If you do not see your town, check with you local leaders and town sites on social media.

Please Note: Not joining the lifts Norwalk and New Haven - Mayors for both towns have announced they don't plan to lift their mask madates any time soon.

This week more towns have joined in lifting mask mandates including: Manchester, Glastonbury, West Hartford, Windsor, Danbury, and South Windsor


Town officials decided to lift the mask mandate for Brookfield town residents as of Oct. 15. This applies to all indoor spaces.

People who are not vaccinated will still have to wear a mask indoors and the rules for wearing masks in schools have not changed.


The town of Cheshire is no longer requiring vaccinated employees to wear masks, with the exception of direct interactions with the general public.

Masks remain required in public areas inside the library, Yellow House, Youth Center and Artsplace because of the significant amount of people aged 12 and under who visit these facilities and who aren't presently eligible to get vaccinated, officials said.

Employees who aren't vaccinated will also have to wear face masks at all times with the exception of working in separate personal workspaces. More information on the town's mask requirements can be found here.


Town officials lifted the mask mandate in Colchester as of Oct. 1 after speaking with the Director of Chatham Health about a decrease in cases. The town is encouraging residents to get vaccinated.

People who are not vaccinated will still be required to wear masks in indoor public settings, town officials said. People are still being advised to social distance as a means to decrease exposure and also to consider wearing a mask where it's not possible, no matter your vaccination status. For more information, click here.


As of Oct. 15, people in Danbury no longer have to wear masks indoors if they're fully vaccinated. Mayor Joe Cavo said only people who are not vaccinated or unable to provide proof of vaccination and not exempt will have to wear face masks.

The mayor said any establishment that wants to continue requiring masks for staff and visitors may choose to do so.

Masks will still be required in Danbury public schools as well as healthcare facilities, facilities housing vulnerable populations, public and private transit, correctional facilities and childcare settings. For more information, click here.


Fairfield town officials have decided to lift the current indoor mask mandate effective immediately and follow the CDC's guidance, which recommends masks be worn indoors and when in close contact with others.

First Selectwoman Brenda Kupchick said that anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask indoors should continue to do so. She urged that businesses still have the authority to require masks for their employees and customers under the governor's executive order.


The town of Glastonbury discontinued its mask mandate because of a decrease in COVID-19 cases in the area. Glastonbury has moved outside the red zone, although officials say they'll continue to monitor data and trends weekly to see if another mandate is necessary.

More information is available here.


Manchester town officials discontinued the mask requirement for indoor public places as of Oct. 15.

The decision is in response to a "sustained improvement in COVID-19 transmission rates and decreased hospitalizations," officials said in a statement.

More information can be found here.

Rocky Hill

The town of Rocky Hill now says that vaccinated town staff working in office settings do not need to wear masks. However, masks will be required when interacting in person with members of the public, and in elderly and childcare settings.

Municipal buildings in Rocky Hill will be open to the public for business, but officials said visitors will have to wear a face mask. Previously, municipal buildings were only open by appointment only. More information can be found here.

South Windsor

South Windsor has lifted the mask mandate for all businesses and buildings in Town with the exception of South Windsor Public Schools, which are under the direction of the State Department of Education. The mask mandate will remain in effect for South Windsor Public Schools until further notice.

All unvaccinated individuals will still be required to wear a mask, according to local officials.

West Hartford

West Hartford’s town’s universal mask mandate will be repealed as of Friday at 12:01 a.m. amid a decline in COVID-19 cases.

All unvaccinated residents need to continue to wear masks indoors in compliance with the statewide mask policy. The Town of West Hartford will not require masks in municipal buildings with the exception of the public libraries.

Individual businesses may choose to have their own policies that require customers to wear a mask in order to receive service.

Photo: Moment RF/Getty

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