Camp Courant 10th Annual Arch Street Tavern Fundraiser

Here is Renee's interview with Corrianne Gagliardi Chipello, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer for Camp Courant!

She chats about Camp Courant's upcoming 10th Annual Arch Street Tavern Fundraiser and how you can join in on the fun!

10th Annual Arch Street Tavern Fundraiser: 'Rolling into Summer'

Drive-Through Event to benefit Hartford's kids.

‘Roll into Summer’ with us on Arch Street!

Wednesday, February 24th, 5pm – 6pm

Arch Street, Hartford, CT

$25.00 Single Donation or Bring the family!

$60.00 Family Donation (Max 4 treats per vehicle)

  • Attendees will be automatically entered in a drawing to win a $100 Arch Street Tavern Gift Card
  • ‘Rolling into Summer’ attendees will also receive sweet treats! Individually wrapped Hot Cocoa Bombs from Frisbie’s Dairy Farm & Doughnuts from Donut Crazy West Hartford!

To register, click here!

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