Interview: Achieve TMS East, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Smith

Here is Renee's interview with Dr. Brian Smith, Neurologist, and Chief Medical Officer for Achieve TMS East.

He chats about the rise of depression cases during the pandemic and also about the services that Achieve provides to treat depression.

Listen here:

Achieve TMS East is an organization of deep TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment centers committed to providing the best possible care to all of our patients. With each new site that we open, we try to assimilate ourselves into the culture of that area. We pride ourselves on our willingness to go the extra mile and really work with our patients to ensure they have the best experience possible.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation utilizes a magnetic stimulating coil that is placed gently on the patient’s head. The coil produces a magnetic field that pulses directly to the brain where mood is regulated. The stimulation activates the neurons in the brain to produce the natural feeling of happiness and well-being. The TMS difference is that it produces long lasting results with fewer side effects than medication.


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