Heather Takle, CEO of PowerOptions

Here is Renee's interview with Heather Takle, CEO of PowerOptions.

She shares all about PowerOptions, which is a nonprofit that works specifically with other nonprofits in CT, RI and MA to help them save on their energy costs.

Listen here:

About PowerOptions:

PowerOptions is a nonprofit energy buying consortium that delivers cost savings and predictability to nonprofits and the public sector in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. With nearly 500 members, our collective strength yields optimal pricing and stability for our entire membership of organizations both large and small.

PowerOptions is a trusted advisor and resource responsible for managing the complexities of energy purchasing on behalf of our members. PowerOptions procures the most competitive energy contracts with the nation’s leading energy suppliers, bringing value and security to members through all of our energy platforms. We are mission-driven with a primary focus on cost and reliability, always concentrating on our members’ needs.


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