Skunked? Here's the best way to treat it from our friends at Fidelco!

Skunked? Here's the best way to treat it from our friends at Fidelco!

Eliot Russman President and CEO of the Fidelco Guide Dogs has a pet tip that STINKS this week! Well, actually, it may just help get rid of the STINK!!

We’re talking skunks and our poor dogs that get too close. Skunks mate during February and March. And 60 days later in April and May – right about now – there’s a lot of new stinkers around. By August, the males are mostly independent. The females stay close to mom for a bit longer. They’re mostly harmless…unless you or your dog get too close. However, skunks are identified as the #3 carrier of rabies after bats and raccoons.

Here's the best way to rid or at least control the "stink" :

Always keep hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a grease removing dish soap on-hand and easy to access. Every grocery store sells these items. Also, rubber gloves.

It’s basically 1 quart of regular strength hydrogen peroxide + 1/4 cup of baking soda + 2 tablespoons of any liquid dish soap. Of course, the total amount of solution will vary by dog size and coat…just double or triple the amounts.

If your dog gets skunked…tie up the dog outside near a hose. Change your clothes or be prepared to throw away what you’re wearing. Mix up the solution and put on gloves. Spray the dog’s coat entirely with solution – keep away from the eyes – and then rinse with hose. This may require 2 or 3 applications. Your nose will tell/guide you.

CANNOT make the mixture in advance, it will not keep and is not safe to use.

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