Connecticut Has Most Unsafe Drivers in the Country

If you were to look at a list rating states with the best drivers, Connecticut will be last on the list, according to one study.

According to the 2018 EverDrive Safe Driving Report, Connecticut was given a driving score of 71.6 percent. The study says that Connecticut drivers us their phone while driving 34 percent of the time and speed while on the road 56 percent.

The study said across the U.S. there are three common types of distracted driving laws:

  • Hand-held phone bans
  • All cell phone bans for novice drivers
  • Texting and driving bans

They also looked at whether each state had one or more of the following laws:

  • 15 states had all three
  • 24 states had two
  • Nine states had one
  • Two states had none

“Laws regulating distracted driving and phone use while driving appear to be having some positive impact,” the study said. “Among the best five states for least phone use, four states have all three of the common distracted driving laws. States where drivers had the most trips with phone use had some of the least restrictive laws.”

The study said on average, drivers in states that had all three of the common distracted driving laws had better scores than the 11 states that have only one or no laws against distracted driving.

You can read more here.

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