Meet Emma! A Charming, Sweet Little 3 Year Old Kitty Ready for Adoption!

Meet Emma!

Three year old Emma is scrumptious. And unconventional. There is nothing cookie cutter about her.

When it comes to her looks, Emma has cute black and white cow-like markings, bright, round, marble eyes, and teeny white paws. It doesn't sound like it would work, but it somehow all adds up to one charming sprite of a cat.

Emma's personality is equally quirky. She can be timid and nervous in new situations, not the most confident cat at all. But when it is time to play, Emma is fully engaged, scampering after the laser light, pouncing on a crinkle ball, leaping into the air - suddenly fearless. Emma is not yet a lap cat, preferring to sit next to you. But her foster home says that once Emma knows you, she will follow you everywhere, hoping to be petted and even brushed.

Emma is smart but silly, shy but affectionate. She is curious, active, and, yes, a little stubborn. She is an individual! And we love that about her.

Mostly, though, we think Emma is a whole lot of fun in one small cat-sized package.

If you think so too, please contact poaplacement@gmail.comand ask to set up a special appointment to meet her.

The Cat Adoption Center hours:

Saturdays from 10:30am-4:00pm or 1st Wednesday of every month 5:30 - 7:30pm.

144 Main St.

East Hartford, CT 06118

Please allow for up to one week to hear back regarding your application.

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